
Change Log

Date Change Details
Sep 19, 2024 Algorithm Breakdown Designed an algorithm graphic, added curve graphs and rewrote the description of the tools functionality to provide better transparancy and community engagement
Sep 19, 2024 Complete algorithm rework While the basic concept of the algorithm remains the same, the way each datapoint is calculated has been reworked with multiple curves. This provides limits to each datapoint so that they can be accurately balanced against eachother. This should result in more accurate power level ratings by ensuring the influence of each datapoint remains consistent even when outliers are present.
Sep 13, 2024 Basic lands have impact Basic lands now have a low base level of impact to help balance mono colored against multicolored decks.
Sep 13, 2024 New charts Added new charts. A scatter showing impact by card and a column chart showing balance of Mana Symbols vs Mana Producers.
Sep 4, 2024 Reserved list nerf Significantly reduced impacts of reserved list cards to compensate for prices being inflated beyond what thier in game effect would suggest.
Sep 4, 2024 Fixed Tipping Point Tipping point was not correctly ommiting land from the impact total. As a result it was occasionally failing to calculate correctly. The issue is resolved.
Sep 4, 2024 Fixed MDFC consideration MDFC are now considered as lands with regard to Mana Screw, Mana Flood and Impact concentrations. Like lands, MDFC are omited from Average CMC calculations.
Sep 4, 2024 Fixed issue with special characters and accents Accent symbols and "&" ampersand symbols were causing cards not to read correctly in some cases. The issue has been resolved.
Sep 4, 2024 MTGA format issue Moxfield excludes cards not on MTGA when exporting with the MTGA format. There is no message displayed when this happens, so when a list is posted on this site only half the cards may have been included in the export. Since this is more of a UX issue on Moxfield I can't address it. However, I added some details to the warning text when less than 100 cards are entered to suggest a different export format.